Yu Yu Hakusho is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Yoshihiro Togashi. It follows the story of a teenage delinquent named Yusuke Urameshi who is hit by a car while saving a child's life and dies. However, he is given a chance to come back to life by the spirit world and become a Spirit Detective, tasked with protecting the living world from supernatural threats.
Throughout the series, Yusuke teams up with his friends, the demon fox Kurama, the half-demon Hiei, and his human friend Kuwabara, to battle various villains and protect the world from harm. Along the way, they encounter other powerful demons, psychics, and supernatural beings, and engage in intense battles and conflicts. There's a few notable move sets to come out of the series, here's our top seven.
Spirit Gun
This move is Yusuke's most famous attack, which involves him gathering his spirit energy into his index finger and unleashing it in a powerful blast. The size and intensity of the Spirit Gun can vary depending on how much spirit energy Yusuke puts into it, and he can also use variations like the Double Spirit Gun, which involves using both hands to fire two blasts simultaneously.
Dragon of the Darkness Flame
This technique is used by Hiei, who channels his own life force into a dark flame that can incinerate anything in its path. The Dragon of the Darkness Flame is one of the most powerful techniques in the series, and Hiei usually only uses it as a last resort.
This is a technique used by Kuwabara, who channels his spirit energy into his sword and unleashes it in a powerful blast. The Shotgun can be used in a variety of ways, such as firing a single shot or unleashing multiple blasts at once. Kuwabara also has a more powerful version called the Dimension Sword, which can slice through dimensions and destroy anything in its path.
Spirit Wave
This technique is used by Genkai, who channels her spirit energy into a wave of energy that can be used to attack or defend. The Spirit Wave can take different forms depending on the user, but Genkai's version is particularly powerful and can be used to knock out opponents or create powerful barriers.
Spirit Sword
This technique is used by Kuwabara, who creates a sword made of spirit energy that can cut through almost anything. The Spirit Sword is particularly effective against demons and other supernatural beings, and Kurama can also use it to channel his spirit energy into other objects or people.
Rose Whip
This technique is used by Kurama, who summons a whip made of thorny roses that can be used to bind or attack opponents. The Rose Whip is not as powerful as some of the other techniques in the series, but it is a versatile tool that Kurama can use to control the battlefield and keep his enemies at bay.
Shadow Sword
This technique is used by Hiei, who creates a sword made of darkness that can cut through almost anything and absorb energy. The Shadow Sword is one of the most powerful techniques in the series, and Hiei can use it to absorb the spirit energy of his opponents and increase his own power.