Dragon Ball Super is the continuation of the iconic Dragon Ball franchise, picking up where Dragon Ball Z left off. After over a decade, the return of the series was highly anticipated by fans, and it did not disappoint. In this article, we'll explore why Dragon Ball Super holds up to the hype and what we can look forward to in the future.
Thoughts on Continuing the Franchise
Dragon Ball Super has successfully continued the legacy of Dragon Ball by bringing back the original voice actors, introducing new characters, and expanding the lore of the series. The decision to continue the franchise after such a long hiatus was met with excitement and enthusiasm from fans. The new series does not disappoint, with the same epic battles, iconic transformations, and memorable characters that made the original series so beloved.
Why It Holds Up to the Hype
Dragon Ball Super continues to build on the success of its predecessors, introducing new characters like Beerus, Whis, and Jiren, and bringing back fan-favorites like Frieza and Android 17. The series has also expanded the universe by introducing new planets, dimensions, and timelines. With its epic battles and breathtaking animation, Dragon Ball Super lives up to the hype and then some.
What We Can Look Forward to in the Future
Dragon Ball Super has already had a successful run, with 131 episodes and a feature film, Dragon Ball Super: Broly. However, fans can expect even more to come from the series in the future. In July 2021, it was announced that a new Dragon Ball Super movie is in the works, set to be released in 2022. The film's plot and details are still unknown, but fans are eagerly anticipating its release.
In conclusion, Dragon Ball Super is the ultimate return of a legendary anime series. With its epic battles, lovable characters, and breathtaking animation, it has continued the legacy of Dragon Ball and exceeded expectations. With the promise of a new movie on the horizon, fans can look forward to even more adventures in the Dragon Ball universe.